Terms of Use

Justori and Justell are applications developed by Add Value Technology Ltd, where Justell, for all practical purpose is a lighter version of Justori application.

Justori is a software application platform that allows its users to post audio stories for public and private consumption and send reviews, requests and queries to Justori Business members.

Justell is a software application that allows its users to send audio reviews, requests and queries to Justori business members.

By accepting this Terms of Use, users may use Justori and Justell interchangeably.

Terms of Use

  • “Services” means the services, features and facilities made available through the platform (Software-as-a-Service) or on Justori Website.
  • “Software” means the software codes provided by Justori and/or Justell application.
  • As used in these Terms of Use, "you" means you as an individual or the entity using the Services (and/or anyone acting on your/its behalf).
  • "we," "us", “our” or "ADVTL" means Add Value Technology Ltd. and the "parties" means you and ADVTL.
Use of the Software and Services
By downloading this Software and using the Services you confirm that –
  • You have full legal authority to enter into this agreement,
  • In case you represent a company, association, school, club or other group, you are duly authorized to act on its behalf,
  • You have read and understood the present terms of use,
  • You will comply with the present terms of use and as well as all applicable laws and regulations, whether local or international
Your Rights
  • The use of this Software and the Services by you is non-exclusive.
  • Subject to your device settings, the Software may automatically download and install updates from time to time.
  • This Software and the Services may not be sold or otherwise distributed by you for commercial gain.
  • Except as provided under the present terms and conditions, the Software and the Services may not be copied, replicated or modified and the source code / algorithm may not be extracted or used in any way without our express written consent.
  • You authorize us to use any feedback you provide without compensation and without prior notification to you.
  • You agree to receive mandatory and optional notifications from us via the email address provided by you. You may request to opt out of optional notifications.
Our Rights
  • You grant us unrestricted permission to use the content that you have uploaded or posted using the Software.
  • The use by us of the content, including its reproduction, distribution or modification will be for purposes related to the Services, including its promotion and the development of related services, whether by us or our business partners.
  • We may at our discretion, review, edit or delete any content, without prior notice to you.
  • Our Services may contain commercial advertisements.
  • Any data provided by you may be used by us, our affiliates or business partners to improve our Services, create new services, or for marketing and advertising purposes.
  • You remain wholly responsible for any post or content uploaded by you. This includes any personal information provided as well as the accuracy of any information posted or uploaded by you or on or using your account.
  • We strive to ensure that the Software and the Service is not misused, however we do not guarantee that the content posted or uploaded by users will always conform to our terms of use.
  • We may at our discretion remove any content uploaded or posted by you and we may delete your account without prior notice to you.
  • We collect information that you share with us and that you post or upload.
  • We collect information relating to your use of our Service, services we offer through our partners as well as your device and browser information.
  • We may use cookies and other technologies to collect such information.
  • Information we collect is used to operate and improve the Services and develop new services.
  • The information may also be used to provide you with personalized information and targeted advertisements.
  • We may share the information collected with our affiliates or business partners.
  • You may not post or upload content that infringes the rights, including the right to privacy, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right, of any third party or user.
  • The Services may not be used for bullying, harassing, intimidating, defaming or in any other way causing prejudice to any third party or user.
  • Spamming, advertising or soliciting other users is not permitted.
  • Any form of impersonation is prohibited. This includes using usernames, pictures or logos identified with existing brands or products or services.
  • Any content made available to you by the Services may not be copied, distributed, broadcast except so far as permitted in the present terms of use.
  • Any content made available to you by the Services may not be used for commercial purposes, unless we have provided our prior agreement in writing.
  • The Services may not be used to extract user information or for any illegal purpose.
  • You will not
    • Create any third party application for use with the Services without our prior written consent.
    • Cause the Services to be impaired or compromised or in any way restrict other users from using the Services.
    • Access or attempt to access another user’s account.
    • Post content which incites intolerance, violence or hate.
    • Post information which misleading in any way. When uploading content, you will specify whether it is a work of fiction, a true account of real life events or an adaptation based on real life events.
  • Where the an account is registered on behalf of a club, society, company, association or other entity, it is the responsibility of its members to ensure that only authorized users have access and/or permission to post or upload data.
Third Party Services
  • The use by you of additional services or features available in connection with our Services are governed by the terms and conditions of the respective third party, to which you will be subject to. We are not responsible for the use by you of such additional services or features.
Fair use policy (FUP)
  • We want our customers to enjoy using our services and our Fair Use Policy is there to make sure our users have the best experience possible.
  • It may occur that some members use excessive data transfer and storage whereby adversely affecting the network quality and client experience for the majority of our users. To ensure a smooth experience for all users, we continuously monitor usage of our customers each month.
  • Fair Usage Policy is applicable on all our plans. While Fair Use Policy applies to all our members on the selected plans, it will only actually affect you in case of inappropriate use of our service.
  • We may restrict our services if you continuously exceed normal usage based on storage and usage patterns.
  • In case you are in breach of this Fair Use Policy, we may contact you to discuss changing your usage so that it conforms to this Fair Use Policy.
  • We reserve the right to vary the terms of the Fair Use Policy from time to time.
  • If, after being duly notified, you continue to breach the present FUP terms, we may, without further notice to you suspend or limit the Service (or any feature of it) for any period we think is reasonably necessary; and/or terminate your agreement.
  • Should you require additional use of our service, you may move to a plan more suitable to your usage or contact us to review your license agreement.
Changes to the Terms of Use
  • The present terms of use may be changed, amended or updated without prior notice.
  • You confirm your acceptance of any such change by your continued use of the Services.
  • The updated terms of use will be available on the Justori website and will govern your use of the Software and the Services.
Indemnity and Exclusion of Liability
  • We will not be liable in any way should the Software or the Services, including any information you have uploaded or posted, be temporarily or permanently impaired or unavailable.
  • We assume no liability for any content that you, another user, or a third party uploads, posts, sends, receives, or stores using our Services. In particular, we are not responsible for the accuracy or appropriateness of any content on our Services.
  • You agree to indemnify and hold us, including our representatives or agents, harmless, against any and all claims and expenses (including legal fees) due to, arising out of, or relating in any way to: (a) your access to or use of the Services; (b) your content; or (c) your breach of these terms.
  • Your use of the Services is governed exclusively by the laws of the Republic of Mauritius.
  • Any claim arising out of the present terms of use, unless settled amicably, will be lodged before the courts of the Republic of Mauritius only.
  • Should any provision of these terms of use be found to be invalid or unenforceable, this will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

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